Category:Energy & Raw materials -> Energetic devices Country:All countries Featured companiesFAAS Trading Co. [polish] [english]
FAAS Trading Co. divides its activities into two fronts: professional consulting and professional intermediation between producers and recipients, on an international scale: West and East direction, and vice versa.
A. Import/export consulting services, signing international contracts
B. International Trade:
For many years, we have been promoting the policy of cooperation and mediation between the West and the East and vice versa. For this purpose, we use knowledge and an extensively collected[...]
Arka Urządzenia Energii Odnawialnej
Firma zajmuje się doradzaniem, sprzedażą, instalacją i serwisem urządzeń energii odnawialnej. Elektrownie wiatrowe, kolektory słoneczne, pompy ciepła, ogniwa fotowoltaiczne, kominki, kompletne systemy grzewcze i elektryczne. Sprowadzamy i instalujemy również używane elektrownie wiatrowe.[...]
Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjne Aparatów i Konstrukcji Energetycznych ZMER Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
ZMER Company began in 1952 year its activity as independent well-known under name the Mechanical Institutions of Electrification of Agriculture in Kalisz which was the principal part of activity the production of elements to building of energetistic lines individual. We were in this branch of energetics the pioneers, and our the articles found the general acknowledgement and the use during electrification of village. This decide influenced on more far development of firm. The still increasing needs[...]
Zakład Elektroniki Przemysłowej ENIKA [polish] [english]
Z.E.P. ENIKA (industrial electronics) was established in 1992. Our field of activity is designing and manufacturing of electronic equipment for traction vehicles and trolleybuses as well as for industry, and the average trade turnover generated by ENIKA is about 2,000,000 Euro per year.
ENIKA employs 40 workers of the basic staff and cooperates with the representatives of Polish technical universities. Our technical staff consists of young engineers managed by highly experienced experts in traction[...]
Spółdzielnia BIELSIN [polish] [english]
Cooperative BIELSIN® - was establed in 1981 in Bielsko Biala as independent undertaking and since over 20 years make succesfully bussines on domestic and international markets. Bielsin is a producer of high quality products from plastic for automotive industry (Inside door handle, Windscreen washer, Rear window washer). Our customers are leading manufacturers of automobiles in Poland. We have capacity in the range of plastics processing by means of injection moulding machines Arburg and Ponar as[...]
PSA Zapis-Hardware Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
The company was established in 1991 to be a partner for American company Westinghouse Electric Co. on Polish and European market.
On the base of microprocessor distributed control system WDPF - product of Westinghouse Electric Co., we have been pursuing more and more effective combination of one hundred years’ experience of this company and its know-how on the world standards in automation of technical processes with our engineers’ experience and knowledge of Polish customer’s demands.
Instytut Elektrotechniki Oddział Technologii i Materiałoznawstwa Elektrotechnicznego we Wrocławiu [polish] [english]
Electrotechnical Institute – Division of Electrotechnology and Materials Science in Wroclaw (IEL/OW) was established with aim of developing the engineering of electrotechnical materials.
The recent years of activity and plans for the future are strongly related with the integration of the Institute with the European Research Area. The scientific research works are therefore realized in conformity with the priorities of the consecutive Framework Programmes of the European Union.
The leading topics[...]
Działalność „PREDA” od 1997 roku koncentruje się na szeroko pojętym kreowaniu popytu. Do jej podstawowych działań należy: analiza rynku, praktyczna identyfikacja wpływu reklamy i PR na odbiór społeczny, wprowadzanie wszystkimi dostępnymi na rynku kanałami, specjalistycznych – głównie niematerialnych produktów, rozwiązywanie problemów dystrybucyjnych, inicjowanie, opracowywanie i wdrażanie nowych strategii rozwojowych. Dotychczasowa oferta PREDA skierowana była głównie[...]